Monday, December 22, 2008


So I know 7 months is an extremely long lull in a blog. Sorry about that. Life has been busy.

My transition back to Arizona couldn’t have possibly brought more happiness into my life. As a majority of you know, on September 20th, I asked Taryn Platt to be my wife. She said yes, and I couldn’t be more excited! She is wonderful, and everything I’ve dreamed of in a friend, wife, and (future) mother to the children we’ll raise. Any of you reading this blog will likely have received the below invitation and picture in the mail over the past few weeks. If not, it was an oversight. Please consider this your invitation to join us on Saturday, January 3rd at our garden reception.

Our friend Gary Finlinson has offered his yard to us on our special weekend. Weather permitting, we’ll have an outdoor lunch and program starting at noon. If it’s rainy, we’ll have the reception indoors at a nearby church building. Driving directions will be available at Gary’s place.

Boos-boos are abundant in my life. So you shouldn’t be surprised that I misspelled Gary’s street on our invitation. It’s “McLellan”, not “McClellan”. Below is a map to his home.

Taryn and I will live in downtown Phoenix at least until the summer. We’re renting a cute apartment on Central and Roosevelt, a stone’s throw from the light rail, which opens in a few days (yeah!). We’re both graduating in May (knock on wood) and are looking for jobs all over the country, even considering some outside of the U.S.
With so many things up in the air, it’s hard to decide right now what theme I should ascribe to this blog. I enjoyed using it as a way to stay in touch with many of you and to share my thoughts and experiences while I was in Mexico. I liked structuring the blog around a theme, so I’ll have to continue to consider what theme to use now…I’ll keep thinking about it. Perhaps Taryn would like to write with me. We’ll keep you posted (double meaning)…

In the mean time, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Eid al-Adha!

Con cariño, bryant
p.s., there are more engagement pictures available online for those interested. Jessica is our photographer -- she's wonderful!!


Carol said...

about freaking time you added my boys on here...uh i mean that you blogged about taryn - sheesh :)

congrats on the wedding and congrats on updating the blog!

Papa Bear said...

It's great to see you are a blogger again. We'll look forward to hearing from you no matter where you are - India to Indiana.

Kara said...

Our vote is for Paris or So Cali. As if it counts! :) I hope to see many more posts here on your blog.. I hope Taryn joins you, too. I told her its a Jensen tradition and she will soon be a Jensen, so she'll have to consider. ;) Can't wait for 8 more days!! Love you guys. :o)

debra said...

Bryant congratulations to you both on your upcoming wedding! congrats on graduating and good luck with job hunting! (Im a stalker of all the Jensen family blogs so I hope you and Taryn keep updating!)

Unknown said...

yea!!! Your back :D

I am so excited for you guys to start this new chapter in your lives!

I love that you first listed her as your FRIEND... that is so important :)

one more day... wahoo :D

try not to go so long w/o posting ... I was finally Bryant free and now I'll start going through withdrawls again :D

Fuller's said...

The photos look great! We wish we could be there too!! Have a beautiful wedding day!!

Unknown said...

ok sweetheat. i think it's time to switch this from being bryant's blog to taryn and bryant's blog. and no, i don't think you should just keep this one and we should get a new one altogether. no use in wasting such a nice transition you posted. what do you think?

kjera said...

congrats Bryant!!

Kara said...

Taryn, I agree... right on, sista! I even have the perfect picture for your header! Well, you have the perfect picture... I think you should use that one where you and Bryant are walking towards each other... its on my blog, if you don't know what I mean. That would be so cute! But maybe you have some wedding pics you might like better. Which, by the way, do you have any online? I wanted to post some on my blog, but of course I don't have any cuz I lost our camera on Thanksgiving. :( You can read all about that on our blog, too. :o)

Jackie J said...

Er, Bryant, are you not listening to your beautiful wife? This should definitely be the Taryn & Bryant Blog by now!!
I'll check back tomorrow to see the new changes ;-)and hopefully a new post from BOTH of you :-)

Kara said...

Bryant- when are you going to put a post on here directing people to the new blog?? Hello!!??

taryn said...

ha ha! thanks kara! i'm just yelling to him from the other room that he needs to do just that!